
authorHello, my name is Jack Sparrow. I'm a 50 year old self-employed Pirate from the Caribbean.
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        Why yoga is important for healthy life?

 yoga provide both instant freshness  and high  transformation. In the fitness world, both are extremely important. Too much time and  few results can be very disappointing and make frustration . Yoga can change your physical increase your mental strength.



yoga for healthy lifestyle

  • Yoga encourages overall health and fitness.
  • Yoga’s focus on strength training and flexibility is an incredible benefit to your body.
  • The digestive system gets back on track when doing yoga and taking healthy diet regularly.
  • Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga.

yoga for heart diseases

According to CDC ( Center for control disease and prevention) almost 600,000 peoples died from heart diseases due to high blood pressure,cholesterol, smoking and poor diet and lack of physical activities. the association strongly recommend yoga for better health and fitness.

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Strengthens the thighs and stretches the hamstrings and calves. it gives you calmness and reduce depression and stress and also to keep your blood pressure normal.

7 best yoga's to increase height instantly

1- (Sun Salutation)

2- (Pleasant Pose)

3- (Seated Forward Bend)

 4- (Cat Pose)

 5- (Mountain Pose)

 6- (Tree Pose)

 7- (Triangle Pose)

1- Sun salutation



The Sun Salutation improves blood circulation in your body and ensures proper functioning of the   nerves. It stabilizes thyroid activity, reducing stress and depression. The sun salutation improve the   flexibility  and strengthen your muscles and joints.

2- Pleasant Pose

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 Pleasant pose makes your back strong and gives a good stretch to your knees and also make calm and peace to your body and mind. It relaxes your brain and helps you overcome exhaustion and body alignment is improved.

3- Seated Forward Bend



 Seated forward bend gives your spine and hamstrings a good stretch. It improves digestion and   activates the kidneys and liver. It reduces headache, and can cure high blood pressure. It increases     your appetite and helps reduce obesity.

4- Cat Pose



 Cat pose makes your spine flexible and strengthens your shoulders. It massages   and activates your digestive organs and also activates belly region which will   remove unnecessary fat. It will  proper circulation of blood and oxygen in the   body. Regular practice of this exercise ensures that all strain is eliminated.

5- Mountain Pose



 Mountain pose improves your posture and strengthens your knees and thighs. It makes your spine   agile and reduces flat feet. This exercise regulates your digestive and nervous system. It improves     your balance, firms your abdomen, improves blood circulation, and relieves tension throughout the     body.

6- Tree Pose



 Tree pose strengthens your spine and improves neuromuscular coordination. It strengthens your knees, tones the leg muscles, and makes you stable and flexible. It also increases your concentration and activates your mental faculties.

7-Triangle Pose



 Triangular pose stretches your muscles and improves bodily functions. It strengthens your knees and   legs and is good for flat feet, neck pain, and stress. It also  improves digestion. This exercise opens   up your spine, hips, and hamstrings.



Reviewed by ASIM KHAN on December 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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authorHello, my name is Jack Sparrow. I'm a 50 year old self-employed Pirate from the Caribbean.
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