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How can Vitamin D help in fighting cancer, losing weight and other diseases?

How can Vitamin D help in fighting cancer,               losing weight and other diseases?

Image result for vitamin D

vitamin D is very important for our bones which helps in absorbing calcium. calcium deficiency leads many of the major diseases are arthritis and weakness of is also important for the faster absorbing of the bones in older peoples.

it is a known fact that this vitamin can help in fighting with some type of cancers which will be the majority of the death reason for a long period like ( breast,prostate and colon). 

Daily recommendation of vitamin D intake

the daily recommended dose of vitamin D is 5 - 15 ug. according to some experts daily intake of     25 ug vitamin D  is essential for good and healthy body.

Age groups for daily intake of vitamin D

according to studies that the daily intake of vitamin D intakes are

  • New born baby                                        10 ug
  • Childrens                                                   5 ug
  • Teenagers                                                   5 ug
  • Adults <65                                                  5 ug
  • Adults >65                                                10 ug

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Sources of vitamin D

The  top sources of getting natural vitamin D are 

1- Sun       

vitamin D also called sunshine vitamin because sun is the natural source of vitamin D. when skin is exposed to sunlight is makes vitamin D from cholesterol. when the sun's ultraviolet b rays hit the cholesterol in the skin cells it produce energy.

Image result for sun vitamin d 


cheese is also a good natural source of vitamin D. 1 ounce cheese contains 6 IUs vitamin D. 
Image result for cheese vitamin d

3- Fatty fish

fatty fish contains a good amount of vitamin D. fishes like tuna, salmon and mackerel.these fishes contains about 60 IUs vitamin D per servings.

Image result for salmon, tuna

4- Egg yolks

egg yolks also a good source of natural vitamins. study shows that 1 egg yolk contain almost 41 UIs vitamin D.

Image result for egg yolks vitamin d %

5- Supplements

supplements are the best and easily available source of vitamin D. it will easily fulfil your daily vitamin D requirement. 

Image result for vitamin d supplements 

How can Vitamin D help in fighting cancer, losing weight and other diseases? How can Vitamin D help in fighting cancer, losing weight and other diseases? Reviewed by ASIM KHAN on December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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authorHello, my name is Jack Sparrow. I'm a 50 year old self-employed Pirate from the Caribbean.
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